For well over 40 years, Kuna’s civil and transportation team has provided planning, design, and construction services to Alaskan communities. Our experience encompasses a broad range of civil and transportation infrastructure projects –housing, public buildings, health care, schools, sanitation facilities, small harbors, roadways, highways, bridges, and airports. Each project is carefully planned and uniquely designed. Kuna’s comprehensive approach to civil and transportation solutions considers many elements that affect a community’s well-being (e.g., cultural, historical, safety, mobility, improved access, resiliency, maintenance, and economic development opportunities). Kuna balances each project’s needs with those of the community and environment for a smooth and sustainable project.


  • Transportation Master Planning
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Facility Assessments
  • Bridge Inspections
  • Planning & Design Public Involvement
  • Surveying, Mapping, & GIS
  • Traffic & Safety Studies
  • Utility, Storm Water, & Water Systems Analysis & Design
  • Environmental Assessments, Studies, and Permitting
  • Arctic and Permafrost Engineering
  • Earthwork and Civil Site Design
  • Roadway & Highway Engineering Bridge & Structural Engineering
  • Traffic Control Systems Engineering
  • Developing and Inspection-Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning (SWPPP)
  • Remote Logistics
  • Cost Estimating
  • Grant Administration
  • Bidding and Construction Contract Administration
  • Construction Management and Inspection



For more information on Kuna’s civil engineering services, please contact:

Daniel Nichols, PE, CCCA

Director, Civil Engineering and Water Resources