Advanced Hypersonic Weapon Technology Flight Test-2, Kodiak Launch Facility EA
Client: U.S. Army Space Missile Defense Command
Location: Kodiak, Alaska
Advance Hypersonic Weapon technology is used to determine if a missile can be used to impact an incoming missile and destroy it in space. The goals of the Kodiak Launch Facility flight test were to: 1) test the launch facility, the missile, and all of the tracking systems; and 2) determine impact of a missile at the Kodiak site and the missile landing site in the Marshall Islands.
Kuna performed an environmental assessment (EA) for the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon Flight Test-2 Hypersonic Technology Test and a biological assessment of the landing site in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The conclusion was a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), for the launch of the Hypersonic Weapon Flight Test. Multiple versions of the document were produced and widely distributed, along with public notifications and reviews. The Kuna team assisted with community outreach announcements, meetings, and comment gathering, then succinctly integrated comments into the final document. The process was successfully completed allowing the U.S. Government to proceed with their operation in full compliance with applicable rules and regulations.