Shotgun Cove Road Design & Construction Management

Project Details
Kuna managed a 2.5-mile road project administered by the Federal Highway Administration, Western Federal Lands Highway Division, and developed in accordance with City of Whittier and Alaska DOT&PF standards. The project assisted in economic development by providing year-round access to private and public lands and enhancing recreational opportunities. It included environmental permitting, road and bridge design, drainage improvement designs, intersection modifications to improve traffic flow, installation of utilities, and surveying services. Road work involved rock excavation with significant blasting.
Civil engineers produced a hydrologic and hydraulic report to develop drainage improvement designs that accommodated high rain and snowfall, steep terrain (up to 60%), and creek crossings with significant flow. Bridge, culvert, and ditch designs followed ADOT&PF’s Hydraulic Drainage Manual and watershed regression equations. Water surface profiles for larger creeks were modeled using HEC-RAS, and large diameter culverts were analyzed with HY8 software. The team provided estimating, bidding, and contract award services and handled construction management and inspection services through project completion.
Following construction, Kuna’s survey team developed Right-of-Way mapping for the project.
Challenges included navigating rough terrain, coordinating with multiple owners (state, federal, Alaska Native Corporation, and private), and addressing various environmental issues.