Rock Quarry Feasibility Study

Project Details
In 2024, Kuna Engineering was engaged by the Elim Native Corporation (ENC) to evaluate the feasibility of developing a quarry on ENC-owned land in the southern Seward Peninsula. The quarry is expected to produce large armor rock or riprap, which is critical for the numerous erosion protection projects required across western and northern Alaska, where suitable rock sources are scarce.
Our team prepared a comprehensive Feasibility Study, which examined several key factors, including environmental permitting requirements, construction logistics, operational considerations, and financial viability for the proposed quarry. In July 2024, a Kuna team conducted a site visit to assess the location firsthand. This included performing wetlands delineations, a critical step that may impact the environmental permitting process for the project.
This project aims to provide essential resources for erosion control while supporting local economic development and safeguarding Alaska’s coastal communities.