NSB Areawide Water & Sewer Operations, Maintenance & Training

Project Details
Kuna provided critical technical services to ensure the continued functionality of water and sewer systems serving NSB villages. Under the O&M operation, Kuna handled all non-routine work, which included engineering support, skilled technician services, regulatory compliance, and training. Engineering support involved developing scopes, budgets, and recommendations for emergency repairs and capital upgrades to improve the performance of treatment, distribution, and collection systems. This support continued during the construction phase, with Kuna overseeing the proper execution and documentation of upgrades and repairs.
Kuna’s skilled technicians, including controls specialists, evaluated facility and process controls, planned capital upgrades, and implemented operational repairs to these systems.
In terms of regulatory compliance, Kuna supported and guided operators in the sampling and reporting of treatment operations, reviewed sample results from all villages, and developed recommendations and action plans to improve plant performance. Training efforts included a roving utility operations expert who provided on-site training for NSB operators, helping them achieve certification and supporting local workforce development. Kuna also coordinated formal certification classes and exams with the local tribal college.
Beyond these specific services, Kuna offered general project and program management support, including oversight of project teams, strategic planning for the NSB Utility Division, and consulting on a wide range of issues as needed. These services helped maintain and enhance service delivery to the residents of the North Slope Borough.