Buckland Wind Diesel Assessment, Design & Construction Administration

Project Details
During the summer of 2008, Kuna completed a wind resource assessment on behalf of NANA Regional Corporation for communities within the NANA region. Met towers were installed near three communities: Buckland, Deering and Noorvik, with wind data being collected for analysis in periodic reports. Activities included coordination of weekly planning meetings; development of bi-monthly written reports; development of wind resource assessment monitoring plan in conjunction with subcontractors; logistics planning for site assessment and field installation in conjunction with client and subcontractors; and coordination of electrical subcontractor for installation of wind monitoring equipment.
Based on information collected during the assessment, Kuna provided a modified turn-key, design-bid-build approach for delivery of Buckland’s critical wind diesel project. Our team provided 95%-level design, construction, and permitting documents that enabled the procurement of a general contractor for full installation of two wind turbines, foundations, power plant upgrades, a transmission line, road, and pads. In addition, Kuna’s team provided conceptual SCADA and design documentation that enabled the Northwest Arctic Borough to select a controls and wind diesel integration technology. Kuna’s environmental and survey teams provided all permitting and surveying support. The result is a fully functional and integrated wind diesel system (competed in 2015) that is currently displacing fuel.