Alaska Department of Natural Resources Survey Term Contract

Project Details
Kuna currently holds a multi-year IDIQ/term contract with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Mental Health Trust Land Office. Ongoing projects under this contract include subdivisions of two large parcels, owned by the Trust, located in southcentral Alaska.
Kuna Surveyors work with the Trust to design subdivision configurations to maximize the potential of the subject parcels. Kuna creates preliminary plat maps and works with local and State authorities through these platting actions. Field surveys will be conducted to establish the existing boundaries of the subject parcels and new property monuments will be installed to mark the location of the new subdividing lots. Final plat maps will be prepared and recorded once necessary approvals have been obtained, completing these projects.
Five projects were completed over the first two years of this ongoing contract. Once subdivisions are completed, the new lots will be put up for sale to the public. These projects and the resulting land sales ultimately generate revenue for the Trust allowing them to be a largely self-funded government entity.