NSB Area-wide Hazardous Materials Management Plan & Site Plans (7 Villages)

Client: North Slope Borough (NSB)
Location: North Slope, Alaska

The Kuna environmental services team worked cooperatively with NSB’s Public Works Department to create a programmatic, borough-wide plan and seven individual village-specific plans for hazardous materials management. Kuna staff traveled to each village to determine specific needs and operations and interview people involved in design with hazardous waste. Kuna developed plans that articulated the proper handling, storage, recycling, and disposal of hazardous materials as well as emergency response plans. The plans integrated both regulatory requirements and practical aspects of hazardous waste management on a site-specific basis. Additionally, these plans included information on typical waste issues (e.g., handling, storage, and proper recycling of used oil; preventing and dealing with illegal dumping or improper waste disposal). Due to the remoteness of NSB villages, proper disposal is a real issue that Kuna dealt with from multiple angles, including education/information distribution on the dangers of hazardous waste, alternative product use, recycling/reusing whenever possible, and ultimately proper and safe packaging and disposal off-site.

Kuna’s long history with the NSB equipped our team with a deep understanding of borough-level goals as well as each village’s situation and challenges. This knowledge was complemented our team’s visits to the sites and interviews with each community, allowing Kuna to provide highly customized and practical hazardous waste management plans.
